This week a few of us celebrated Earth Day. Other of us simply had electronic junk to get rid of. This week we will be discussing what to do with those old junky computers and associated parts.
If you have old computers or hardware to get rid of, the first place I suggest you look is your own local agency in charge of sanitation, disposal or whatever name the call it in your neck of the woods. Now I'll tell you up front that there are two general options -- reuse or recycling (both can be called eCycling in the case of electronics). I prefer putting old computers to use so I concentrate on reuse rather than recycling, but almost no one will take those old 486s so recycling may be your only choice. What we really want to avoid it disposing of or dumping the old electronics into the environment.
This is the kind of pages you are looking for. Of course, this pertains to my locale; but it gives you an idea of what you are after:
My Nevada County - Integrated Waste Management - Transfer Stations and Recycling Facilities
If you want more information or if you local government does not provide resources, here are some other links:
Here is what a few large computer makers are saying:
I hope that these links will get you started. Remember that dumping computers and other electronics is hazardous to the environment. It also may result in healthy fines if you are caught. So for whatever reason, do the right thing. Happy Earth Day and happy eCycling!
© 2004 Gail Allinson
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