This week Gail, Joe and Deepak are holding an informal discussion about RAM.
According to a CNet article last week, RAM prices will continue to rise this summer as DDR2 rolls out.
Here are some links to some of the things we will talk about:
Memtest86 - Memory Diagnostic Page
Sharky Extreme Memory Pricing Guide
Win98 & Win ME Memory Management
Deepak, Joe and I also discussed some Windows XP tweaks:
in RegEdit, Receive Buffer Tweak....Local Machine\System\Current Control Set\TCPIP\Parameters...
Make a new DWord Value, TCPWindowsSize, then change it to ffff (hex) close and
restart computer.
Also in RegEdit: Disable Paging Executive, Local Machine\System\Current Control
Set\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management, DisablePagingExecutive, and
Change from 0 to 1.
In Services disable Indexing and Messenger (not to be confused with Windows or
MSN Messenger)
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