In order to keep the Tips segment of the show relevant to our listeners, we need you to tell us what you want to hear about. The subject of Personal Computing is so vast that we need your direction to help us present information on the topics that interest you and that you can put to use.
That means that if there is some certain category of software you wish to have explored or some procedure you need to know about, we’ll try to be of help and service getting you the information. Please e-mail us with your requests.
Similarly, if you have something in the way of tips you wish to share with the other listeners, please let us know. Write it up, if you want to. We’ll post it. (We do reserve the right to edit submissions.) And don’t worry; should you have trouble writing something up, we’ll be happy to help with it. Helping is what we’re all about, after all.
Please e-mail:
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